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Welcome To Our New Website!
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Sacramental Preparation

Preparation for the Sacraments
We use the I belong programme to support the preparation of the children for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. 
The sessions run on a Monday after-school and are led by Miss Buscombe. Father Victor also supports the sessions where possible. 
This year the children will recieve the Sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time on Saturday 18th May. 
Enrolment Mass
The whole school joined with the children for a special enrolment service for the children who were preparing for the Sacraments. They were joined by their families as this was such a special part of their faith journey. Father Victor reminded the children and parents of the promises made at Baptism and the children showed that they were ready for the next stage of their faith journey. 
 Here's what last year's group had to say about their experience...

About the sessions:

"One thing you will really enjoy about the classes is that you learn lots about Jesus."

"One thing you will really enjoy about the classes is that you get to work in a special book."

About making your First Holy Communion:

"The thing I enjoyed most about the day was that we got to stand around the altar and see up close what the priest was doing."

"I loved being with my Holy Communion friends on the day-it was a celebration!"

"It was so special receiving the bread and wine which is Jesus’ body and blood. I felt so close to Jesus, like he was protecting me."

Things I wish I had known at the start:

"I wish I had known at the start that it helps to go to Mass because otherwise the new words can be a little confusing."

"I wish I had known that I had no need to worry or be scared. It was all so much easier than I had been thinking!"

First Holy Communion 2023