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Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Art & Design


We believe at Holy Cross that every child should be able to express themselves through many different forms of Art. Our intention is to deliver a rich Art curriculum which feeds their imagination and wonder; immersing them in the world of creativity and culture. We strive for children to leave Holy Cross with a secure understanding of different artists and their work and the confidence to express themselves through a wide range of art forms.

  • Teachers have good understanding of the progression of Art through the school and can apply a wide range of techniques and skills to their teaching.

  • Children investigate and evaluate a wide range of creative outcomes from the past and present to develop a greater understanding of the many disciplines within art and how they shape our history and future.

  • Teachers are aware of the skills taught previously and use their knowledge of this to build on prior learning referring to the subject driver words and year group outcomes.

  • Art resources are well stocked and organised to support the teaching of a range of art techniques 

  • Strong links with Plymouth University and local art exhibitions give a purpose to the children's work and promote confidence in their art ability.

  • Children enjoy trips to local art studios, exhibitions and galleries to promote a love of Art.

  • Opportunities to sketch in the local area is included in planning and learning outside of the classroom is embedded.

  • Art is fed into all areas of the curriculum as well as an Art unit being taught termly.