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Welcome To Our New Website!
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Our Vision and Pedagogy

Our Vision at Holy Cross
With Christ at the centre of all that we do, we strive to ensure that all pupils at Holy Cross feel happy and safe. With our children being the leaders of the future, we actively promote independence, confidence and teamwork. Together, everyone achieves more.
It is our ambition that Holy Cross Catholic Primary School should become a beacon for other schools within Plymouth CAST and beyond. Pupils will consistently achieve highly so that they are well-prepared for the next stage of their education. As a result of a broad, customised and ambitious curriculum, which is coherently planned and sequenced, all pupils, particularly our disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND, will be equipped with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. The environment will be positive, supporting pupils’ emotional and mental well-being. Pupils will show a dedication and commitment to learning and be highly motivated. As a result, pupils will develop detailed knowledge and skills enabling them to make rapid progress, attain well and become effective agents of change.
Plymouth CAST: Multi-Academy Trust
“Our mission is to be a community of outstanding schools in which our pupils flourish in safe, happy and stimulating environments and leave us with the knowledge and skills, personal qualities and aspirations, to make the world a better place, inspired by the Gospel.”
Mission Statement, 2018
The Church insists on the highest standards of academic achievement in its schools, so that our young people leave us as ‘agents of change’ – educated and caring people who have the qualifications, knowledge and skills they need to flourish as human beings and make the world a better place. Inspired by our Teacher, Jesus Christ, and his good news to the poor, we have a commitment especially to those who are disadvantaged. We are determined that a child’s start in life need not determine their future. We are committed to the wellbeing of the earth, our common home, inspired by the example of Pope Francis: to live wisely, think deeply and love generously. In all our schools we will develop a culture of high expectation and aspiration, based on our fundamental belief in the dignity of all human beings. We want all our pupils to flourish in safe, happy and enriching environments, taught and supported by adults who are skilled, motivated and committed to our shared vision and values. We will work together as one Trust, one family of schools, a community inspired by a vision for excellence. We commit ourselves to deepen our mission and raise standards in order to provide an excellent Catholic education for every child in our care. “
Our Curriculum Statement
Our curriculum is underpinned by the life and teachings of Jesus Christ through which we seek to embed our Catholic virtues and Gospel values in all aspects of school life. An unrelenting focus on the highest standards of academic achievement will ensure that our young people leave us as ‘agents of change’ with the qualifications, knowledge and skills they need to become the people they are meant to be and in flourishing as human beings in service to others, will make the world a better place.
At Holy Cross Catholic Primary School, we offer a curriculum which is broad, balanced and relevant - both to the needs and to the context of our school community; and seeks to develop independent, creative thinkers who are both curious in their search for knowledge and understanding, and resilient in the face of challenge. Coherently planned and sequenced, it builds on the knowledge, conceptual understanding and skills of all children, whatever their starting points, as they progress through each Key Stage in readiness for their next stage of education.
Inherent to our taught curriculum is the commitment to providing rich life experiences to develop and enhance the cultural capital of our pupils. Through a comprehensive range of lunchtime and after school clubs, the provision of wrap around care, plus a variety of additional curriculum events we seek to extend our children’s learning opportunities.
An aspirational curriculum, accessible to every child has been shaped by our knowledge of both the children and the community in which they live, providing opportunities to counter relative disadvantage and different starting points and meeting the needs of all our learners.
Our curriculum seeks to combine transferable skills, develop a rich vocabulary and through strong cross curricular links, deepen the learning of our pupils. Inviting classroom environments stimulate and engage quality thinking and reasoning and support pupils’ emotional and mental well-being. Pupils will show a dedication and commitment to learning and be highly motivated. As a result, pupils will develop detailed knowledge and skills enabling them to make rapid progress, attain well and become effective agents of change.
We are committed to our mission and to providing an excellent Catholic education for every child in our care. We work together as one Trust, one family of schools, a community inspired by a vision for excellence.
Below, you will find our 3Is (Intent, Implementation and Impact statements) for each subject. 
We hope the information here answers your questions about the curriculum and our provision here at Holy Cross. Should you still have any queries or concerns, please contact the headteacher via the contact details on the CONTACT tab.