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Welcome To Our New Website!
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Accessibility Plan

With Christ at the centre of all that we do, we strive to ensure that all pupils at Holy Cross feel happy and safe. With our children being the leaders of the future, we actively promote independence, confidence and teamwork. Together, everyone achieves more.

It is our ambition that Holy Cross Catholic Primary School should become a beacon for other schools within Plymouth CAST and beyond.  Pupils will consistently achieve highly so that they are well-prepared for the next stage of their education.

As a result of a broad, customised and ambitious curriculum, which is coherently planned and sequenced, all pupils, particularly our disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND, will be equipped with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.

The environment will be positive, supporting pupils’ emotional and mental well-being. Pupils will show a dedication and commitment to learning and be highly motivated. As a result, pupils will develop detailed knowledge and skills enabling them to make rapid progress, attain well and become effective agents of change.