In Key Stage Two, French is taught every half term, building on prior learning and building confidence and vocabulary lesson upon lesson. Through the Primary Languages Network’s virtual learning environment, children are taught by an experienced primary languages teacher and native French speaker, through high-quality pre-recorded video lessons. These lessons are supported by class teachers and are taken at a pace to suit the needs of the children. During these video lessons, new vocabulary is introduced and children have the opportunity to rehearse and revise spoken language elements. Each lesson begins with a simple recap of the previous learning, where children retrieve and apply taught vocabulary, through questioning and games. There are several opportunities for children to hear correct French intonation and pronunciation, and a focus on repeating what they have heard, in order to build their knowledge, understanding and confidence. Verbal activities are carried out as whole class or with learning partners. There are regular follow-up activities built into the programme to support core reading and writing skills.
All four core skills of learning are targeted through the scheme and therefore allow children to make progress in listening, speaking, reading and writing.