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Welcome To Our New Website!
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School


At Holy Cross Catholic Primary School we aim to provide the children with enriching opportunities to progress to the next level of their creative excellence whilst stimulating and developing a curiosity for the subject. We are committed to ensuring children understand the value and importance of music in the wider community and are able to use their musical skills, knowledge, and experiences to involve themselves in music, in a variety of different contexts. As a school we offer an enriched opportunity for the children to all partake in singing during mass, class liturgies and weekly assemblies.
We provide music learning to children aged 5 to 11 as part of our curriculum. Each class has 1 x 45 minute music lesson which is taught on a weekly basis. The scheme we use in our music lessons is called Charanga. Charanga works seamlessly with the national curriculum ensuring that learners revisit the interrelated dimensions of music: pulse, voice, pitch and rhythm- building upon previous learning and skills. The learning within this Scheme is based on: Listening and Appraising, Musical Activities, creating and exploring and singing and performing. 
The Charanga music scheme allows children to experience a new topic and style of music every half term. Due to us being a 1.5 form entry school with mixed age classes, we have adopted the Charanga scheme and created a 2 year rolling plan so that children still receive the same level of music teaching and experience all the units of learning. These lessons provide children with the opportunity to listen and respond to different styles of music, use their voices and instruments to listen and sing back and have a go at composing their own piece of music. The lessons are planned so that each year children follow on from the learning they completed the previous year and clear progression is evident across the school.
Lessons are made as entertaining and engaging as possible, as we realise that this approach serves to develop a positive attitude in the children to learn a musical instrument, a song or routine. 
Children in Year 3 and 4 even learn how to play the Ukulele! 
Children have the opportunity to take part in Rock Steady music sessions at Holy Cross on a Friday.
For more information on Rocksteady lessons or to sign your child up to be part of their very own rock band, please follow the link below: