The Role of the Local CAST Board
From 1st April 2014 all the Catholic Schools in the Plymouth Diocese became part of the Catholic Multi Academy Trust, known as ‘Plymouth CAST’.
Who are Governors?
School Governors are people from the school’s local community who wish to make a positive contribution to children’s education. They must be over eighteen years at the date of their appointment, but there is no upper age limit. Each term of office lasts for four years.
Governors are the largest volunteer force in the country!
They have a very important part to play in upholding school standards.
What do Governors do?
Our Local CAST Board meets twice each term. All Governors participate in the meetings, but each Governors also has an additional area or two which they have a special interest in. Governors also come into school regularly to meet with staff, Senior Leaders and pupils and to monitor their special area of interest.
Our Local CAST Board
- works as a team and is accountable for the performance of the school to parents, carers and the wider community.
- ensures that all safeguarding requirements are met.
- plans the school’s future direction..
- decides how best the school can develop and supports the pupils’ behaviour and
spiritual, moral and social development.
- makes sure that the school provides for all its pupils including those with
special needs.
The Headteacher is responsible for the overall management of the school and for day-to-day management. Governors are at the heart of how a school operates and it is vital that we get things right.
Who are our Governors?
Our Local CAST Board is small but mighty! It is currently made up of 4 Foundation Governors who are appointed by the Diocese; 1 parent governor who was elected by the parents of children at the school; 1 Co-opted Governor; 1 Headteacher, 1 Staff Governor and a fantastic Clerk, who keeps us all in order.
The Local CAST Board may be contacted through the Clerk to Governors, Mrs Claire Silverlock, via the school address or email
How to become a Governor
Plymouth CAST Information
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School is part of the Plymouth CAST Multi Academy Trust.
CAST Board Structure and Meeting Attendance:
Plymouth CAST Financial Statements and Policies:
Trust Policies and Information
Lisa Martin
Chair of Governors (Foundation Governor)
Katy Hammond-Watson
Vice Chair (Foundation Governor)
Robert Brown
Foundation Governor
Andreea Ioja
Co-opted Governor
Grace Goddard
Staff Governor
Mrs Finola Gill
Foundation Governor - Headteacher
Date | Time | Venue |
Wednesday 18th October 2023 | 6.00pm | Holy Cross School |
Wednesday 13th December 2023 | 6.00pm | Holy Cross School |
Wednesday 31st January 2024 | 6.00pm | Holy Cross School |
Wednesday 27th March 2024 | 6.00pm | Holy Cross School |
Wednesday 15th May 2024 | 6.00pm | Holy Cross School |
Wednesday 3rd July 2024 | 6.00pm | Holy Cross School |