Performance Measures  2023-2024
Pupils/students included in this performance data will have experienced some disruption due to Covid-19 earlier in their schooling, which will have affected individual pupils and schools differently.
Progress score in reading, writing and maths - unavailable
The DFE is not able to calculate KS1-KS2 progress scores for academic years 2023/24 and 2024/25. This is because there is no KS1 baseline available to calculate primary progress measures for these years due to Covid-19 disruption. We are also unable to show results broken down by prior attainment.
EYFS: Good Level of Development 71%Â (National Average 68%)
Year 1 Phonics: 74% (National Average 80%)
Phonics by end of Year 2;Â Â 93% (National Average 91%)
Key Stage 1 Outcomes
Reading 74% (National Average 71%)  Greater Depth 16%   (National Average 19%) Â
Writing 58% (National Average 62%)  Greater Depth 0%  (National Average 8%)
Maths   74%  (National Average 71%)  Greater Depth 7% (National Average 16%)
Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check
Full Marks 67% (National Average 34%)
Average Score 23.7/25 (National Average 20.6/25)
Key Stage 2 Outcomes
Reading  65%  (National Average 74%)  Greater Depth 18%   (National Average 28%) Â
Average Scaled Score 103 (National Average 105)
Writing 68%  (National Average 72%)  Greater Depth 23%   (National Average 13%)
Maths  63%  (National Average 73%)  Greater Depth 18%  (National Average 24%)
Average Scaled Score 103Â (National Average 104)
English Grammar Punctuation and Spelling 58% (National Average 72%)  Greater Depth 28%  (National Average 32%)
Average Scaled Score 102 (National Average 105)
Combined Reading, Writing and Maths 48% (National Average 61%)  Greater Depth 5%  (National Average 8%)
End of Year Results 2021-2022
The Foundation Stage - GLD (Good Level of Development) has been assessed as 73% for Holy Cross
GLD over time |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2022 |
Holy Cross |
75 |
78 |
82 |
79 |
73 |
Year 1 - Phonics screening – with an ‘expected’ score of 32+, Holy Cross achieved 63%. Of the Year 2’s that had to re-sit the test, in Holy Cross, 84% passed.
Phonics Screening |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2022 |
Holy Cross |
96 |
91 |
93 |
80 |
63 |
End of Key Stage 1 SATS
Reading 66% (National 68%) Greater Depth: 16% (National *%)
Writing 61% (National 59%) Greater Depth: 5% (National *%)
Maths 70% (National 70%) Greater Depth: 5% (National *%)
End of Key Stage 2 SATs
Reading 84% (National 74%) Greater Depth: 40% (National 28%)
SPAG 84% (National 72%) Greater Depth: 37% (National 28%)
Maths 77% (National 71%) Greater Depth: 33% (National 22%)
Writing 66% (National 69%) Greater Depth: 14% (National 13%)
Combined Reading, Writing, Maths 60% (National 59%) Greater Depth: 11% (National 7%)
Average Scaled Scores 2022:
Reading 107 (National 105)
Maths 104 (National 104)
Grammar, Punctuation and spelling 104 (National 105)
Reading - well above average - progress score
Writing - average - progress score
Maths - well above average -progress score
End of Year Results 2019
The Foundation Stage - GLD (Good Level of Development) has been assessed as 79% for Holy Cross
GLD over time |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
Holy Cross |
75 |
78 |
82 |
79 |
Year 1 - Phonics screening – with an ‘expected’ score of 32+, Holy Cross achieved 80%. Of the Year 2’s that had to re-sit the test, in Holy Cross, 50% passed.
Phonics Screening |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
Holy Cross |
96 |
91 |
93 |
80 |
End of Key Stage 1 SATS
Reading 80% (National 75%) Greater Depth: 36% (National 25%)
Writing 78% (National 69%) Greater Depth: 18% (National 15%)
Maths 84% (National 76%) Greater Depth: 24% (National 22%)
End of Key Stage 2 SATs
Reading 80% (National 73%) Greater Depth: 37% (National 27%)
SPAG 80% (National 78%) Greater Depth: 63% (National 36%)
Maths 87% (National 79%) Greater Depth: 57% (National 27%)
Writing 87% (National 78%) Greater Depth: 13% (National 20%)
Combined Reading, Writing, Maths 80% (National 65%) Greater Depth: 10% (National 11%)
Average Scaled Scores 2019:
Reading 107 (National 104)
Maths 108 (National 105)
Reading - well above average - progress score 3.54
Writing - average - progress score 0.89
Maths - well above average -progress score - 3.36
Pupil Attainment
End of Year Results 2018
The Foundation Stage - GLD (Good Level of Development) has been assessed as 82% for Holy Cross – well above the national and local average.
GLD over time |
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
Holy Cross |
69 |
75 |
78 |
82 |
Year 1 - Phonics screening – with an ‘expected’ score of 32+, Holy Cross achieved 93%. Once again, these results are well above the national figures. Of the Year 2’s that had to re-sit the test, in Holy Cross, 100% passed.
Phonics Screening |
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
Holy Cross |
91 |
96 |
91 |
93 |
End of Key Stage 1 SATS
Reading 84% (National 76%) Greater Depth: 23% (National 26%)
Writing 84% (National 70%) Greater Depth: 12% (National 16%)
Maths 84% (National 76%) Greater Depth: 14% (National 22%)
End of Key Stage 2 SATs
Reading 70% (National 75%) Greater Depth: 43%
SPAG 70% (National 78%) Greater Depth: 40%
Maths 57% (National 76%) Greater Depth: 23%
Writing 87% (National 78%) Greater Depth: 23%
Combined Reading, Writing, Maths 57% (National 65%) Greater Depth: 7%
Reading progress score 1.9
Writing progress score 2.3
Maths progress score -1.6
Pupil Attainment
Pupil Attainment
End of Year Results 2017
The Foundation Stage - GLD (Good Level of Development) has been assessed as 78% for Holy Cross – well above the national and local average.
GLD over time |
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
Holy Cross |
53 |
69 |
75 |
78 |
Phonics Screening |
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
Holy Cross |
93 |
91 |
96 |
91 |
End of Key Stage 1 SATS
Reading 81% (National 74%) Greater Depth: 16% (National 24%)
Writing 77% (National 66%) Greater Depth: 19% (National 13%)
Maths 81% (National 73%) Greater Depth: 5% (National 18%)
End of Key Stage 2 SATs
Reading 73% (National 71%) Greater Depth: 46%
SPAG 85% (National 77%) Greater Depth: 38%
Maths 96% (National 75%) Greater Depth: 42%
Writing 81% (National 76%) Greater Depth: 12%