Welcome To Our New Website!
Welcome To Our New Website!
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Prayer and Worship

Our school is built on a foundation of love, understanding and a belief in everyone, underpinned by Gospel Values and Catholic Social Teaching. Our purpose is reflected in our School Mission statement and forms the 'rock' upon which we build our school.  
Prayer and Worship forms an integral part of our provision and we invite families to join us in our school mission.  Although Catholic in nature, it is by no means exclusive: we welcome children and families of all faiths and beliefs, no matter where they are in their own journey, believing we are all precious in the eyes of God.
On this page you will find links to information that invites you to join us.
Pupil Led Prayer
Each week the GIFT Team plans and leads a celebration of the word in each class. The children use the liturgical structure of 'Gather' 'Word' 'Response' and 'Mission' as a structure for the celebration of the word. As part of this time in each class the children are given an opportunity to reflect and respond in their individual prayer journals. 
We warmly invite you to join us on a Monday for our celebration of the word, Mass on a Wednesday morning and our Celebration Assembly each Friday.
Each week we focus on that week's Sunday Gospel and which relate to an aspect of our School Mission, Gospel values or an element of Catholic Social Teaching.  This then permeates every aspect of school life and is reflected upon in class prayer, prayer and praise and whole school worship. 
We have a rich prayer and worship life at Holy Cross. We know that family life is busy so plan ahead to give you lots of notice. We hope you can join us for as many masses and celebrations as possible. Click on the link below to find out what's planned for this year.
Prayer forms part of the rhythm of the school day. We follow the prayer and liturgy directory and introduce common prayers in a progressive way across the school. 
Fr. Victor Agbaka is our school chaplain.  We are so blessed to have him as part of our team and our staff and children  really value his knowledge, wisdom and  gentleness.
The prayer and worship life at Holy Cross was included in the most recent inspection of our school as a Catholic Community by Plymouth Diocese. We hope you will enjoy reading the resulting  Section 48 Inspection Report. We think it is a wonderful celebration of all that is central to our community of faith.  To read it, click on the link below: