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Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Religious Education

In this area of the website you will find information about the Religious Education curriculum at Holy Cross.


Religious education in Catholic schools aims to promote:

  • an invitation to a personal relationship with the person of Christ.
  • knowledge and understanding of Catholic faith and life;
  • knowledge and understanding of the response of faith to the ultimate questions about human life, its origin and purpose;
  • acquiring of skills required to engage in examination of and reflection upon religious belief and practice.
While Catholic in nature, the RE learning journey at Holy Cross  welcomes, respects and celebrates those from all faiths and none. 


RE is a core subject and as such requires an allocation of 10% of the teaching time to the subject. In every class this equates to 2.5 hours each week.

It is expected that this time will be broken down as follows:

  • Foundation – Daily RE teaching along with RE through the enhanced provision in the classroom
  • KS1 – smaller sessions of 30 minutes on a daily basis.
  • KS2 – longer lessons – three times a week 

Programmes of Study

In line with all schools within Plymouth CAST and the Diocese of Plymouth we use the published scheme 'Come and See' and the new scheme 'To Know You More Clearly' as a resource to teach the curriculum. Both Come and See and To Know You More Clearly are written by a group of experienced diocesan advisors. It is based on the theological foundations of the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Catechism and the revised RE Curriculum Directory. We dedicate one week per term to the teaching of other world religions including Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. 'To Know you more clearly' dedicates a half term to the study of other world faiths. 

Come and See is structured in a way that supports the understanding in the Catholic Catechism which addresses the search for meaning in life, God’s initiative in Revelation who comes to meet us and our response of faith. This pattern guides the structure of the programme and informs the process of each topic, opened up through; Explore, Reveal and Respond.


To Know You More Clearly prepares all pupils to play their part as critical citizens in a plural and diverse culture. The topics include; the relationship between faith and science, the problem of evil, nature of human freedom, rights of the unborn, plight of refugees and asylum seekers; war and peace.

This academic year 'To Know you more clearly' (Religious Education Directory) has been introduced in EYFS and in Y3/4, with all other classes embedding the principles of the RED whilst teaching the 'Come and See' programme.


Both the RED and 'Come and See' follow the calendar of the Church's seasons within its units of study.


The Long Term Overview can be read by clicking on the link below: