

Mrs Cari Dyson


Mrs Elaine Glanfield

Teaching Assistant

Here we will celebrate our fantastic wonders of the week. You will find the name of our wonder of the week and the reason they have been chosen.
We will be having a strong focus on times tables in Walliams class this year. The expectation in year 3 is that children will know 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 8x and 10x tables. In year 4 children are expected to know all times tables up to 12. We will be using 'Times Tables RockStars' this year to motivate us to increase our recall speed of the times tables. The children will be provided with a username and password to log on to the website but please ask if you would like this information. 
Welcome to our Class Page!
 Please check our class page regularly for updates of what we have been learning in class. You will also find out about our wonder of the week, copies of any letters sent out, home learning information. Check out our class gallery for lots of pictures and information about our learning. Daily updates will be posted on our class DOJO story.
To login to the Class Dojo please click here!