
Online Safety

This website has a vast range of reviews on games, films, websites and much more, including important information parents should be aware of.
A collaboration between CEOP and Parent Zone providing information, support and advice for parents about online safety.
Here you can find e-safety tips, advice and resources to help children and young people stay safe on the internet.
SWGfL Trust is a not-for-profit charitable trust providing schools and other establishments with safe, secure, managed and supported connectivity and associated services.
A useful website that aims to educate children about e-safety.
The Digiduck collection has been created to help parents and teachers educate children aged 3 - 7 about how to be a good friend online.
A non-profit organisation working with others to help make the internet a great and safe place for children.
This website allows safe searching on the internet and promotes specific educational keywords. Ideal as a homepage!
A really useful guide for parents, including parental controls and filtering, news and relevant issues.
Another really useful website to check out.
A guide (for anyone needing advice) about Instagram, from the Safer Internet Centre.
An e-safety website, supported by the UK government, with lots of resources for parents and
Please click on the link to find information about Safer Internet day and e-safety in general.
The NSPCC's guide to the most common social network sites used by children and how to keep your child safe online.
The social network awareness campaign launched by the NSPCC.
Some great activities for children to see how they can stay safe on the internet.